The developed countries hold the key to solving global problems in launching a set of urgent measures to aid less-fortunate nations, writes Mahmoud Mohieldin.
The Covid-19 pandemic, the severe economic recession, and increasing debt burdens represent a triad of global crises. The pressure of the crunch is mounting despite the availability of solutions and resources. So, what are the solutions to such problems? And will 2021 witness a breakthrough in international cooperation after years of tension, isolationism, protectionism, and various populist calls?
The US and European leaderships have changed, and optimism now prevails that the US will return to multilateral international tracks. It has been announced that the US will rejoin the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and that the World Health Organisation (WHO) will again receive its support and financial aid. Furthermore, a prominent African figure now presides over the World Trade Organisation (WTO) with hopes for unlocking its frozen dispute-settlement mechanism.
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