Dr. Mohieldin participates as keynote speaker at the annual Swisscham gala dinner

Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin participated as keynote speaker at the 2024 Swisscham gala dinner, in the presence of Yvonne Baumann, Swiss Ambassador to Egypt, Eng. Ahmed Samir, Egyptian Minister of Industry and Trade as well as figures from Egyptian and Swiss businesses across different sectors. Dr. Mohieldin highlighted the latest updates on the global economy, between high inflation, rising debt burdens and sluggish growth currently creating major roadblocks to development. Dr. Mohieldin shed light on some of the key events and intervals in Swiss and Egyptian modern history and how they interact with themes we observe today in both countries. He further discussed the ways in which major developed economies like Switzerland and major developing economies like Egypt could capitalize on their relative strength to accelerate growth through enhancing cooperation by catalyzing investment, trade and migration.